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6 Car Safety Travel Tips for Pets | United Nissan Imperial

Published on Nov 19, 2021 by United Nissan Imperial Team

The holiday season is rapidly approaching and for many that means traveling to see friends and family. Since the pandemic, air travel has slowed with more people choosing to travel on wheels instead. If you’re planning on going away for the holidays, be sure to travel safely with your pets using these tips. 

1. Take a test drive.

Traveling can be stressful for you and your pet. Preparing in advance can help ensure your trip goes smoothly. If your pet is uncomfortable with car rides, try building their tolerance with short occasional drives. In extreme cases, veterinarians can prescribe anxiety medications to help calm your pet on the road. There are also calming treats that can be purchased over the counter if you can’t get in to see a veterinarian. Just make sure your pet tries a small dose before your trip to test their sensitivity. 

2. Make a travel kit.

Having a travel kit for your pet is essential for a hassle-free trip. Always make sure you bring your pet’s food, water, and bowls. It’s also a smart idea to bring more than you think you need.

In your pet’s travel kit should also be their leash, harness/collar, and waste bags for when you take them on potty breaks. If your pet requires medication, be sure to pack that too. Lastly, it’s always a good idea to have a first aid kit for your pet (and humans too!) in the case of an emergency. In it, keep copies of your pet’s medical records in case you need them while traveling interstate or have to take them to an emergency vet.

3. Buckle up.

The single most important car safety tip for traveling with pets is to buckle them up. Just like us, our pets need to be wearing proper restraints at all times in a moving vehicle. If a collision were to happen and your pet was not properly harnessed, it could result in serious injury. 

The best thing to do is buy a pet seatbelt, which can be found in most pet supply stores and online. These can be buckled into your vehicle’s seatbelt while the other end attaches to your pet’s harness. Always make sure it is securely fastened before driving. 

For small breeds, carriers can work too — just make sure to buckle them in too!

4. Make frequent rest stops.

Frequent stops can help ease the stress on your pet from traveling. Not only does it give them a chance to stretch their legs, but it also helps them burn off any excess energy and reduce anxiety. 

When you are resting at a stop, make sure your pet is always wearing identification tags. Additionally, never let your pet out of the vehicle without a leash. Pets in unfamiliar environments are known to run off, so it’s better to not put them at risk and keep them leashed. 

While water is normally okay to drink in the car, be sure to feed your pet before your trip to reduce motion sickness. If they need to eat, give them time to properly digest before hitting the road again. 

5. Keep them entertained with toys.

Chew toys are a great distraction for nervous pets. When packing for your trip, make sure to include some toys and entertainment for your furry friends. Boredom can cause restlessness, and your pet may be tempted to chew up your vehicle’s interior. 

Additionally, while it may be tempting to let your pet stick their head out of the window to keep them happy, doing so can be dangerous. The wind and freezing air can cause inner-ear damage, as well as lung infections. In some cases, your pet may even try jumping out which can result in serious injury. 

6. Never leave your pet unattended.

Regardless of the weather, it is never safe to leave your pet unattended in a car. In fact, most states outlaw it. Instead of leaving your pet alone, try asking the business you’re visiting if you can bring them in. You’d be surprised how many businesses are happy to allow pets as long as they are inside a carrier or on a leash. 

For all additional questions, please feel free to contact us. Follow United Nissan Imperial on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates. You can also check out our inventory of new and used cars online. 

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